Violence Suffered by Christians, Jews, and Muslims Portrayed in Dan Brown’s Origin: Sociological Approach
Religion is always interesting to discuss. Almost nothing is so intensely
discussed from time to time other than discourse on religion. However, with
the development of technological and scientific advances, people began to
shift their orientation to technology and science and leave religious beliefs.
It is undeniable that as a result of this, religious people are discredited,
isolated, and often become objects of violence, especially by atheists and
liberalists. Origin by Dan Brown depicts many incidents and religious
violence perpetrated by atheists and liberalists. The conflict between
atheist and religious people makes the novel complicated and interested to
read and study. The purpose of this study is to (1) determine the kinds of
violence, and (2) to determine the causes of violence in the Origin by Dan
Brown. In conducting this study, the writer employs the violence theory by
Johan Galtung and the analysis concept of violence causes by Moghadam.
Moreover, the sociological approach is used as a knife to peel and find
out the correlation between literary works and social life. The results of
this study indicate that there are three types of violence depicted in the
novel, namely direct violence, structural violence, and cultural violence.
In addition, the causes of violence in the novel are analyzed through three
factors: individual, organizational, and environmental factor. Finally,
religious violence is behavior that must be eliminated from the earth.
Violence essentially violates human nature as creatures that are created
differently, whether the race, language, culture, and even religion.