The Analysis of Metaphors of Modality in The Book Into the Magic Shop: A Neurosurgeon Quest to Discover the Mysteries of the Brain and the Secrets of the Hearts by James R Doty, MD
The metaphor of modality is a language variation in the expression of
modality. Analyzing the metaphor of modality is important to see the
degree of certainty of utterances in communication. The theory by M.A.K
Halliday (1994), specifically the metaphor of modality, was applied to see
the use of the metaphor of modality in the autobiography book. This study
aimed to find the types and values of the metaphor of modality used by the
writer in the book. The method of this study was a descriptive qualitative
method. The data collected were labeled based on the mental process
elements and mood elements in the box. This research found that there
are 110 data containing metaphors of modality found in the book Into
The Magic Shop. All of the data is categorized into types and values of
metaphors of modality. The types are probability with 56 (50.91%) data,
usuality 2 (1.82%) data, the type of obligation has 38 (34.55%) data, and
lastly, inclination with 14 (12.73%) data. Then, the value of metaphor of
modality found which are high with 51 (46.36%) data, median value with
41 (32.27%) data, and low value with 18 (16.36%) data. The most occurred
type found in the book is the probability type of metaphor of modality, and
followed with the most dominant value of metaphor of modality is high
value of metaphor of modality.